Request a Demo


Get access to our network of professional stylists. Simply create a style profile and request a stylist from our directory.

S-ply for Stylists

Request to
become an SPLY i-stylist

Fill up a simple application request form and send it to us. We will review your application and respond to you with in 24hrs.


Once approved you can create public and private monetisable style boards directly from your account dashboard.

Inspire and
Get Rewarded

Verified i-stylists earn commission points each time a customer purchases items and products via their curated style looks.

S-ply for Customers

Exclusive style-boards that facilitate customers in purchasing the best products in fashion trend. SPLY E-Stylists offers customers a product sourcing services for popular trending styles and items.

Customers can find latest styles that suits best for their casual, occasions, party and work dressings.
